Now let’s just be clear with each other, no investment is 100%. AND – the following review is simply my best opinion. However, as Thomas Stanley, author of The Millionaire Next Door explains, the most successful […]

Now let’s just be clear with each other, no investment is 100%. AND – the following review is simply my best opinion. However, as Thomas Stanley, author of The Millionaire Next Door explains, the most successful […]
[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form] Be sure to watch our latest video before going to the range the next time! Learn how to put together […]
My wife and I set off on our first cruise back in 1994 for our honeymoon. In recent years we have begun sailing again (now with kids) and it is simply amazing how far the […]
Music and driving just seem to go together. Certain tunes may lead to life long memories, or could just lead to a steep speeding ticket. Thanks to the help of many of you, I’ve managed […]
The calendar may not official read “summer” but the temps are sure heating up and so is the fun. Just the other morning I was driving to work past the lake and what I saw […]
I feel like machines with engines have always been intended to do much more than get us from point A to point B. Machines should spark that feeling of excitement in your gut, and get […]
It seems like the popularity of the AR platform has no signs of slowing down, and for gun lovers like myself that is great news. However, with the all that popularity and the flood of […]
Haven’t heard of Armslist? Don’t worry you’re not alone. However, Armslist does happen to be one of the most popular sites for firearm classifieds. Set up in much the same way as Craigslist, items are […]
I am beyond excited that the Cars and Coffee season has officially gotten kicked off. Yesterday’s event by European Auto Garage was a benefit for the Children’s Charity of East Tennessee. It was clear that […]
I rank hot dogs right up there with bacon in terms of my vital food groups, so you could say I’m somewhat of a dog expert. Always in search of a great dog, the last […]
Recently a friend of mine (and past guest of Gears, Guns, and Grub) Chris Grove told me about an incredible gift from his wife. She had purchased him a Blacksword Scythe 5.56 rifle! Chris also […]
Yesterday morning started early like all the others. Just like usual, I did my normal stop at Weigels (local convenient store) to grab a 24 oz coffee to kick off my day. As I pulled […]
As with last month, it’s time to share some interesting websites that I’ve come across lately. I’ve made sure to provide an even collection of car, gun, and food related topics. Please feel free to […]
Hopefully most of you remember our post titled 15 Most Beautiful Sports Cars Of All Time. Well as it turns out that article sparked quite the memory for one of our readers. That reader also […]
Fight night, or ball games call for a couple things…..cold beers and PRETZELS!!! But not just some bagged tooth chipping, checker pieces. I’m talking about warm and chewy pub style pretzels. I figured I would […]