Does the winter have you ready to blow the dust off that accelerator pedal and let that machine of yours eat?! But then the evil witch of winter keeps showing its ugly head and keeping […]

Does the winter have you ready to blow the dust off that accelerator pedal and let that machine of yours eat?! But then the evil witch of winter keeps showing its ugly head and keeping […]
The Porsche 911…… Few if any other car models can claim such an iconic and recognizable body line. Purists have dared call it perfection. Stream line hood, transitioning up the windscreen only to drop into […]
If you are anything like myself you eat, sleep, and breathe anything with wheels that will take your cruising to the next adventure. How about filling the sleep component with sweet dreams in your very […]
Toyota is doing its part to take the boredom out of our quarantined lives. They have provided free downloadable PDF files featuring 6 different Supra race liveries. Couple that with some scissors, paste, and a […]
Czinger Motor Company has taken innovation to the extreme and produced what could be the ultimate hypercar. The inline seating position coupled with just shy of 1100 hp will leave the driver and copilot feeling […]
I’d rather watch videos of garage tours vs house tours all day long. This one belonging to @mannyKhoshbin is no exception. Although I’d prefer to see some classic exotics, there are two things that I […]
Let’s face it, there are very few movies that appeal to the gear heads out there. That is of course if you aren’t counting all the silly computer generated, skyscraper launching, submarine chase versions. What […]
Welcome back to this week’s Three 4 Thursday, where I share 3 of my favorite links, pages, or influencers that I think you’ll love. Let’s jump in! Gear Heads: Gears and Gasoline is a great channel! […]
Is that cool $8 million in your pocket making it hard to walk to the point you just want to get rid of it?! Thinking of picking up the new Bugatti Divo? Well you can’t! […]
Singer Vehicle Design blurs the lines of auto and art even for the non-car guys
Most inexpensive and medium-priced old cars, used mainly for timekeeping, are electronic watches with quartz movements. The subject is contextualised into a cultural that includes consciousness as a totality.
So a few weeks back I hinted that I would be doing a comparison review of the Focus RS against the Subaru WRX STI. Admittedly I’ve been a Ford fan my entire life. However, over […]
Browsing through the ole YouTubes the other day I found myself watching coverage from this years event SEMA event. That’s when I stumbled on a vid from two guys that just seemed to have something […]
Great news!!!! Those of you that loved the series Car Matchmaker, which previously ran on the Esquire Network, can now find it again over on NBC Sports Network! The series featured comedic writer and […]
Follow along as my 97 Viper GTS is transformed to an even more venomous street machine. If you’ve ever seen a Singer Porsche then you’ll have a inkling of what my vision is. Taking an […]