YouTube viewers who are a fan of tactical training will likely recognize the name, John Lovell. If you haven’t then you’re in for a treat, and you can thank me later. John combines his Special Operations training, along with his Christian values to make videos that are practical and truly make sense. It’s refreshing to hear from another family man that makes mistakes, can poke fun at himself, but above all want’s nothing more than to protect his family. John’s videos don’t just focus on guns and tactical advice, however. Browsing through his channel, you’re going to find topics on travel safety, philosophy, and even movie reviews! Don’t get hung up thinking that John is just the latest and greatest YouTube star though. He also has hands-on training programs designed for novices all the way through to law enforcement and military. I was so impressed with John’s approach to training and life, that I felt drawn to reach out to him, disrupt his busy schedule, and ask just a few questions. He agreed and I have it for you right here. Enjoy- and afterward click the links I’ve provided to subscribe to John’s YouTube channel and check out his Warrior Poet Society page. I guarantee you’ll learn something!!!
Warrior Poet Society’s John Lovell
For our readers that aren’t familiar, Tell us a little about yourself.-Because I don’t enjoy talking about myself, and a brilliant little ‘interview hack’ popped into my brain right now, I will take the lazy way out and copy/paste my bio from my website: John Lovell is a credentialed full-time tactics and firearms instructor and is an NRA instructor. He teaches over 20 different classes including night vision, low light tactics, room clearing, defensive pistol courses, defensive carbine/rifle courses, home defense classes, NRA classes, and more. John is a war veteran and a former member of Special Operations, having served in 2nd Ranger Battalion with numerous combat tours to both Iraq and Afghanistan. His overseas experience also entails having served as a missionary to Central America for four years. He holds a B.A. in Business, and, more than an instructor, John considers himself a student of war, philosophy, theology, and history. When he is not teaching, training, or spending time with his family, you will likely find him reading.
Like yourself, I’m a married father of two boys. Do you have any suggestions for the family man looking to teach his family the importance of being prepared and protected without filling them full of fear, or leaving them thinking that their dad is a paranoid maniac? –A great question. I’ve seen very immoral parents try to raise moral children. I’ve seen lazy parents try to raise hard-working children. I think we recreate ourselves to a certain extent in our children. They catch the little stuff. They see our little duplicitous hypocrisies. On this vein of thought, I believe that if we are living a lifestyle of situational awareness, care for other’s well being, courage, self-defense practice, etc, then kids will internalize it in good balance and come out pretty well. In short, be a good warrior poet and you are likely to create good warrior poets without much thought.
Being heavily involved with martial arts since I was 14 years old, most of my training has been in hand to hand combat. Can your audience look forward to any upcoming videos about some quick and effective techniques to think about in the event that they find themselves disarmed or without a weapon? –Yes, but viewer discretion is advised! As I’ve moved to more of a tactician, things get nasty and unfair. Win the fight.
Let’s say the mess hits the fan and you have 20 seconds to grab your wife, kids, and one gun. What’s the gun going to be and why?-Ugh…you are killing me, how could I leave behind all my dear friends! I really need more context to make a decision, as one variable regarding the nature of the disaster could change what I grabbed — but I’ll play along. I’d grab my Glock 19 I EDC.
What would you say is the number one mistake made today by concealed carry holders? (Or) One tip that our readers could apply today that would make them a safer or more effective shooter.- People do not understand so many variables about the true nature of a gunfight, and therefore are woefully unprepared. I’d say get training. Students are always shocked to learn how much they didn’t know.
You currently hold a variety training classes around the country. Who would you say is your “typical” student?-It’s really hard to say. Some classes are predominately civilians between 18 and 45, while other classes will be almost all LE or MIL.
How can folks learn more about you, and training programs, and how they may be able to participate?
Check out: website – http://warriorpoetsociety.us YouTube channel – http://youtube.com/c/johnlovell275
But Wait – There’s More!!!!!!! before you rush over and check out John’s page and YouTube Channel. He is having a 100K follower giveaway, and you are just in time to participate!!! When his page breaks 100,000 subscribers John is giving away some great prizes. Check out the video below, to get a good taste of John’s personality, how you can enter, and what you could be winning!